Tuesday, November 26, 2013

FIDE Seminar for International Organizers in Al Ain, U.A.E.

IO Seminar Al AinObjective:
To educate and certify Organizers on an international basis. The seminar is Open and organized by the FIDE Event's Commission (EVE), the Al Ain Chess Club and The UAE Chess Federation.

Successful Seminar attendees will be granted a FIDE IO Norm necessary for the FIDE IO title application. Detailed International Organizers Titles Regulations can be found here: http://events.fide.com/titles-regulations.html.

Thursday, 19th December 09:30 to 13:30 Seminar (Part 1)
Friday , 20th December 09:30 to 13:30 Seminar (Part 2)
Sunday, 22nd December 09:30 to 14:00 Seminar (Part 3 - Exams)

The seminar will be held at the UAE University in Al Ain during the World Youth Championship.

Seminar Topics:
General Tournament Regulations - FIDE Events Regulations - Bid Procedure, Evaluation Criteria – FIDE Calendar Regulations - Events Management.

Seminar Fee:
50 euros per participant
Free for participants from Chess Developing Countries Level 1.

IO Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou, Secretary FIDE Events Commission, email: teotsorb@gmail.com
IO Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh,  email: pahlevanzadeh@hotmail.com

The seminar will be held in the English language.

UAE Chess Federation Email: uaechess@hotmail.com
Al Ain Chess Club Tel +971 3 763 3387 Fax +971 3 763 3362
FIDE Secretariat: office@fide.com

Deadline for registration:
Tuesday 17.12. 2013. Up to 30 participants by registration priority.

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