Friday, November 22, 2013

Impressions from Chennai

By Frederic Friedel

The World Championship is nearing its end, we have been publishing multiple reports on each round, accompanied by live HD broadcast on the official site, live GM commentary in multiple languages (English, German, French and Spanish) on Playchess. That should satisfy most chess fans – but we also want to share with you our impressions of the location in South India, where the match is being held. Today we will take you on a short tour of the city, with FIDE press officer WGM Anastasiya Karlovich (Ukraine), who has supplied us with all the wonderful match pictures, Mark Gluhovsky (Russia), who provided the HD video feed, and Indian GM Harika Dronavalli, who knows the town and acted as our guide.

Our first and most important mission was to buy Indian clothes for Anastasiya

Initially it was to be a sari, in pure silk, of which there was a rich choice

So that is what it will look like on me

Unfortunately it is not so easy to tie a sari...

... as shown in this instruction sheet on the Unreal Bride web site

But theree are other options: how about a dress in the Ukrainian colours?

Yes, but will I ever wear such a dress in Europe?

Ta-dam! We have found something I can wear back home

Nastja especially liked the slit in the side

So many thing and so little time: Anastasiya in paradise

After the clothes some jewellery in a Cashmir Arts and Crafts emporium

Some of the silverwork is truly exquisite...

... and perfect for the star photographer at FIDE events

Mark, too, cannot resist and chooses an ensemble for his wife

And some rings for Anastasiya – after this visit the Indian economy is booming

Harika, the GM, looks at some exquisite chess pieces

This set is made of camel bone and sells for 33,000 Rupees (390 Euros or $524)

And wooden carvings in all shapes and sizes to delight the 22-year-old GM from Hyderabad

Kapaleeshwarar Temple

Kapaleeshwarar od Shiva Temple was originally built around the seventh century AD but received its current form (and location) in the 16th century. It is a good example of Dravidian architecture.

Panorama view (scroll right) of Kapaleeshwarar Temple from the water side, provided by Wikipedia

The city side entrance to the temple, with a giant poster
of the ubiquitous Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J. Jayalalithaa

A close-up view of the detailled imagery that covers the entire temple entrance

You can buy temple offerings just outside ...

... with a lot of fire from burning oil offerings

A temple priest administers blessings

A temple visitor told us to buy a rice offering to help Anand retain his crown. In the end it did not work, but it was one of the best rice dishes we have ever tasted. It is known as Puliyogare and is a mainstay in most south Indian festival luncheons and dinners. It is also offered as prasadam in temples across south India.

The rice was so delicious that we sought out the cook and extracted his recipe

In the end it is back to our hotel with it's beautiful view over the city

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