Sunday, 20 October 2013 14:54

On Friday, October 25th at 15.45 the Chess Tournament Magistral Casino de Barcelona 2013 will take start. This year the Tournament is organized by the Catalonian Chess Federation and sponsored by the Casino of Barcelona (Group Peralada), Barcelona City Hall and and the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.The Venue of the Turnament is the Casino of Barcelona (Marina Avenue, 19-21 ), the dates are from October 25th to 31st, 2013, and the games will start at 16.30.
The following eight internationally recognized Grandmasters will participate in this Round Robin Tournamet:
1 GM Lopez Martinez Josep Manuel 2543 ESP
2 GM Hansen Eric 2584 CAN
3 GM Shankland Samuel L 2605 USA
4 GM Edouard Romain 2665 FRA
5 GM Narciso Dublan Marc 2509 ESP
6 GM Balogh Csaba 2640 HUN
7 GM Alsina Leal Daniel 2548 ESP
8 GM Ftacnik Lubomir 2550 SVK
The Tournament reaches category 14 which makes it the strongest
tournament in Catalonia, and one of the strongest in Spain. Also it is
included in the ACP Tour, as one of the most important events in the
Chess World.
On Friday, October 25th at 15.45 the Chess Tournament Magistral Casino de Barcelona 2013 will take start. This year the Tournament is organized by the Catalonian Chess Federation and sponsored by the Casino of Barcelona (Group Peralada), Barcelona City Hall and and the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.The Venue of the Turnament is the Casino of Barcelona (Marina Avenue, 19-21 ), the dates are from October 25th to 31st, 2013, and the games will start at 16.30.
The following eight internationally recognized Grandmasters will participate in this Round Robin Tournamet:
1 GM Lopez Martinez Josep Manuel 2543 ESP
2 GM Hansen Eric 2584 CAN
3 GM Shankland Samuel L 2605 USA
4 GM Edouard Romain 2665 FRA
5 GM Narciso Dublan Marc 2509 ESP
6 GM Balogh Csaba 2640 HUN
7 GM Alsina Leal Daniel 2548 ESP
8 GM Ftacnik Lubomir 2550 SVK
There will be live broadcasting of the tournament offered by the Catalonian Chess Federation website: and by the Internet Chess Club (ICC).
There will be more activities besides the Tournament. GMs Ftacnik and Shankland will offer interesting lectures. The events will be held on Thursday, October 24, in EDAMI (Str. Francesc Giner, 42. Barri de GrĂ cia. Barcelona) and Societat Coral Colon Sabadell (Onze de Setembre Avenue, 125. Sabadell), respectively, and will start at 7 p.m. Free entry for everyone.
For more information please visit the Tournament link at FCE website:

There will be more activities besides the Tournament. GMs Ftacnik and Shankland will offer interesting lectures. The events will be held on Thursday, October 24, in EDAMI (Str. Francesc Giner, 42. Barri de GrĂ cia. Barcelona) and Societat Coral Colon Sabadell (Onze de Setembre Avenue, 125. Sabadell), respectively, and will start at 7 p.m. Free entry for everyone.
For more information please visit the Tournament link at FCE website:
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